Saturday, January 24, 2015


Here's a common scenario. You see a subject really worth photographing, but the background is busy, distracting, and just plain ugly. You wish you could pluck your subject from its surroundings and take it inside a studio. Well, you can't do that, but you can create your own studio. Here is an easy and inexpensive way to create your own studio in the field. This ridiculously easy improvisation can transform your subject from common to uncommon; from less than mediocre to amazing. You won't believe how easy it is. People will think you have your own studio.

For this scenario, here is the problem.

Beautiful orchids, but not a good photo, right? The background is not only ugly, but it diminishes the beauty of the orchids. It competes with the orchids for attention.

Now, here is that simple solution.
Step 1. Buy a large piece of black velvet material. You can buy two or three different sizes so you can use with varying subject sizes. 3'x3' will work for this particular scenario.

Step 2. Just slide the black material right behind the flowers. The non-reflective black velvet will absorb light and virtually disappear. Sometimes, just a couple of folds will show, but it will add interest to the background.

Ready for the results? Voila!!

Can you believe these are the same identical orchids with the same identical background?

Some of my best and most unique images have been created with simple improvisations like this one.

So go out there and take your photo studio with you! Have fun.

If you have any questions about how some of my images on my website were created, just shoot me an e-mail and I'll get back with you.

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